This sucks.

Day 12 – 18 trail miles (162)

It rained lightly off and on all night. One side of my bag got a little wet, but no big deal. I tried to protect my bag from potential bad weather during the day by putting it in my clothes stuff sack. Not sure how well that worked.
Anyway, despite the ~40 degree temp the first 8 miles were easy to burn through quickly knowing Paradise Valley Cafe was waiting at the highway. I wolfed down some French toast an stayed for 2 hours to warm up. Then I went back to the trail. The first 6 miles or so were fine, then it just got terribly cold. Driving winds, and sleet all along the ridge. Went a mile off the PCT to get to a less windy area to camp. Still getting some sleet here. Damp, cold and pretty miserable.
Hoping to stay warm tonight and get down into Idyllwild ASAP tomorrow.


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