Hat Creek Rim

Day 94 – 7/30/11 – 30 miles (1411)

I got a blister today, the first one in nearly 1000 miles. I guess that’s what happens when you do a 30 mile day, on your 14th straight day of walking (312 total miles in that time).
But now the infamous Hat Creek Rim and its 30 mile dry stretch is done! Thankfully, we benefitted yet again from hiking near Balls and Sunshine. We knew heading out this morning that Balls’s wife would be stocking water and cold drinks at Cache 22, 17 miles out from our day’s start point. Carrying so much less water and having the cold drinks to look forward was a big help in getting so far today. For once, it was every bit as hot and dry as the guidebooks warn.

Tomorrow we’ll have an easy 5 miles into town where we will resupply and get some much needed rest!
