
Day 71 – 7/7/11 – 16 miles (974)

“This is not what I signed up for,” crossed my mind at least a half dozen times today. I struggle with the steep downhills in the snow, and there were plenty today. I ended up separated from my group for several hours, neither party sure if the other was ahead or behind before we finally reconvened on Benson Pass. We had many creek crossings, none very dangerous, but one seemed to go on about a half mile through swamp. And I fell, a lot. I’m tired of the snow, I’m tired of being wet, I’m tired of spending half the day route finding.

As a consolation, I ate a double dinner.


One Comment to “Tired”

  1. K Johns

    Hi, I bought your tent back in the spring when you were getting ready for this trip. I have enjoyed reading your posts and looking at the pictures. I wish I were there!!! I admire you for hiking PCT and look forward to more stories. 🙂

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