Seiad Valley

Day 106 – 8/11/11 – 22 miles (1677)

What should’ve been a quick morning roadwalk got dragged out a bit for Ninja and me. We kept getting sidetracked by the endless and delicious blackberries along the side of the road. Thankfully someone drove by and warned us we were on private property and better stop, or we’d have been there all day.


Seiad Valley is known for being really hot, crawling with poison oak, and as the home of the pancake challenge (eat a plate of 5 pancakes, each weighing one pound, and they’re free). We experienced the first two (which really weren’t that bad at all), and wisely declined the third. We did have have a nice breakfast at the cafe, got a few snacks at the mini mart, and picked up some mail at the post office (I got new pants!).

Then we climbed 4500′ in 8 miles. It really wasn’t all that bad, though we did call it a day quite early, around 5pm, just because we felt like it.