Windigo Pass

Day 116 – 8/21/11 – 31 miles (1892)

I felt like I was back in the Sierra this morning, crossing Thielsen creek over a snow bridge, and then getting my foot wet while trying to collect water. But the patches of snow weren’t serious enough to slow us down.

Shortly after lunch, we crossed a forest road at Windigo Pass, where we received some great trail magic from Jerry. I had just eaten lunch an hour ago, but managed to find plenty of room for a ham and cheese sandwich with fresh lettuce and tomato, 2 Pepsis, Swiss Rolls, some cookies and potato chips. We really enjoyed talking with Jerry, who has thru hiked the PCT twice, first in 1976 before the trail was even complete, and again in 2001. In 1976, he went the entire distance with only 9 resupplies! To put that in perspective, I’m doing 6 resupplies just for Oregon.

The late afternoon feast filled me up enough that I thankfully didn’t need to leave my tent and enter mosquito hell to cook dinner tonight.


