Crazy Cook

Day 1 – 4/23/13 – 14.1 miles


And we’re off! This morning the four of us piled into Sam’s Jeep Wrangler for the 2 hour drive to the border. We spent an hour or so at the border taking photos with the monument pieces (it was recently vandalized).

We ran into another hiker who started 3 days ago, but with no ride, had walked south to the border from a highway. He is now headed back north.  The walk today was pretty easy and very well signed. We’ve heard from friends up the trail that this will not continue, so we took out our maps today to familiarize ourselves with them.

We are camped near a water cache that Sam Hughes stocks. Otherwise, there was no water on trail today.

While at the monument and again in the middle of the day, we were visited by border patrol. Another agent came by our campsite tonight. He assured us that we probably had nothing to worry about, that all the narcotics running shootings are west of here.

The Daily Ninjup Report
Going strong at Crazy Cook!
