Because it’s made with real milk and cream…what else?

Day 28 – 5/20/13 – 13.2 mi (520.6)

I said goodbye to cousin Lisa early this morning when she left for work.
After a good breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast, we packed up our belongings. Stryder packaged up his breakfasts for the next leg – half a pie in a ziploc per day.

Gary took us back to Cuba, where we found the rest of the gang still milling about the motel. We grabbed lunch at Subway and then *gasp* southbounded! …to McDonald’s for ice cream cones.

We all walked together on the road out of town until Sweetfish turned off to Circle A Ranch for a package pick up and to spend the night. The rest of us labored uphill to over 10,000 ft, where it was snowing. Thankfully it was just flurries but it was still really cold. We are camped in a meadow at about 10,400′.

The Daily Ninjup Report
Ninja did 10 push-ups in Corrales.