Salida Nero

Day 53 – 6/14/13 – 10.7 mi (932.3)

We’re in shape. 10.7 miles by 10am, and it felt like nothing. Beacon was waiting for us at the pass and took Sycamore, Cherry Picker, Bloodbath and Rampage into Salida. Our gang of 5 all got a hitch in a truck with a rancher who was towing a cow and calf to market.

There’s a big kayaking festival in town this weekend, so it’s hoppin’ here. Fortunately, we called ahead and reserved a private bunk room in the downtown hostel. During lunch at a pizza brewery place, a woman struck up a conversation with Stryder and they talked about our hike. She ended up giving him a $100 bill! We put it towards groceries for our town dinner and breakfast that we’ve been planning since Lake City. We had goat cheese and herb stuffed chicken, asparagus, a big salad, and dinner rolls. Sweetfish made pumpkin rolls for dessert! And they call us hiker trash??


After dinner we went out to check out the town festivities: carnival rides, a live band, and photo bombing opportunities aplenty.


A note about our outfits: Sweetfish found a thrift store with $5/ bag clothing and bought us all town clothes. Some classy duds.



The Daily Ninjup Report
The best Ninjups yet! Ninja performed 10 at the festival in front of a ride. As she finished, several random onlookers got down and started doing push-ups of their own…and it’s all on video! Unfortunately I can’t upload I from my phone.
