Wascally Wabbit

Day 45 – 6/6/13 – 20.2 mi (787.1)

Last night during supper, we saw a cute little rabbit in our campsite. Sweetfish joked, “who wants hasenpfeffer?” I do now. That damn rabbit kept us up all night, completely unafraid to run across our feet or heads to get to our gear. When we finally got up this morning, my clothing stuff sack had been dragged about 10 ft from where I was communally cowboyed with LoveNote and Stryder. I count at least 20 holes in the bag. My sun gloves were the only thing in the bag, and one was chewed to shreds. I hope that rabbit gets a tummy ache from all the nylon it ingested.

Everything else about the day was great!

We’ve been able to see “the window” since yesterday, and though the CDT doesn’t go through it, our maps indicated it was possible to take a route through it. Sweetfish, Stryder, LoveNote and I all decided to go for it, even though it would add elevation gain and time. We climbed up from the east side no problem and had a great view from the top. However, the descent down the west side looked very steep and snowy, so we went back down the way we came and took the official CDT around the mountain anyway. Even with this hour plus excursion, we got 20 miles of official trail progress.

The window from ~5 miles away (the square notch in the ridgeline left of Stryder’s head.

The window from


We had a beautiful day, with mostly clear trail, and amazing mountains, valleys and lakes. Views like these make me giddy.



The Daily Ninjup Report
Done in the morning at Camp Wascally Wabbit.