Dragonfly Dive Bomb

Day 70 – 7/1/13 – 10 mi (1193.4)

We packed up our soggy gear and tried to cut off some shoreline walk by going through the woods. This turned out to be a bad idea, as there were so many blowdowns it made travel very slow . We returned to the shoreline and got back to the trail after a mile or two.

At this point we entered Rocky Mountain National Park and had some decent trail to follow. The meadows and woods near the lakeshore seemed like prime moose habitat and we kept our eyes peeled. Sure enough, we ended up seeing many much moosen in the woodsen!

We got into town and had a good lunch. The hostel wouldn’t let us check in, or even allow us on the premises until 3pm, so, still a week unshowered, we went to the laundromat and dried out all our gear in the parking lot. While there we met a cool young forest service ranger, Izzie, who we ended up hanging out with the rest of the day. She gave us a ride to the brewery, which is now out of town, for dinner.

It was really not a very relaxing town day. On a positive note, I got new hiking shoes delivered and picked up some flip flops . Hooray!