
Day 128 – 8/28/13 – 14.1 mi (2338.6)

Ninja, Sweetfish and I left camp at 6:30, the earliest start we’ve had since Rockin’ and Silly Chili left! LoveNote and Burly camped just behind us last night, but we didn’t know that at the time. We made good time to the highway, even with a thimbleberry stop.


It only took about 5 minutes to catch a hitch into Helena, the state capitol. This means it’s a fairly big city and very sprawly, bad news for hikers. Thankfully, the man who gave us a ride had lunch with his daughter next to the outfitter, where he dropped us off initially. After he was done lunch and we were done our shopping, he took us to the Post Office, miles away.

When we finished at the PO, we were standing outside trying to figure out the bus route when the bus (there is only one bus for the whole city) drove by and the driver stopped special for us. This is the kind of luck that I only experience when Sweetfish is around. We explained to the bus driver what we wanted: lunch, grocery store, cheap motel, and he told us where to get off the bus and directions.

We completed all objectives with plenty of time to walk downtown to the movie theater. I didn’t particularly want to see any of the movies showing, but I did want to sit on my butt and eat popcorn, so I went. LoveNote and Burly got to the motel just as we were leaving and went to dinner instead of the movies.

As with all the best cheap motels, this one came with a super cute cat that kept sneaking into the room for attention.
