Who’s the Apex Predator Now?

Day 114 – 8/14/13 – 12.8 mi (2053.4)

Sweetfish was in town yesterday morning in time for the fresh baked cinnamon rolls at the gas station, and requested the woman baking them make extra for our gang today (she normally only makes 4 a day). I went into the store right when they opened at 8:30am to buy one and found out she had baked an extra 9 for us and set them aside. So of course I had to buy them all. We sat outside at a picnic table and ate most of them.

The rest of the morning we loafed about and did chores, including lots of mailing things at the Post Office. All of us but Sweetfish sent ahead our bear spray to a town further up the trail since we’ve seen almost no evidence of bears lately.

The man who owns the motel we stayed at generously gave us all a ride back to the trail midafternoon. We decided to aim for a water source 12 miles in. This leg of trail has several long dry stretches, which will require long water carries. We are camped on a saddle shortly after the water. From here, it will be about 15 miles to the next source.
