I had to travel to Santa Clara, CA for work for 2 weeks, which puts me in the same state as 4 members of my CDT family: LoveNote, Burly Whites, Rockin’ and Silly Chili. We haven’t all been together since Yellowstone just over a year ago. We decided to all meet up in Big Sur for a fun little backpack to Sykes Hot Springs. Only 10miles one way, but nice scenery and hot springs, and more importantly, a chance to catch up and enjoy the company of good friends.

Perceptive readers of my CDT journal may have suspected a connection between LoveNote and Burly Whites. Yep, they’re officially together, currently living in Santa Barbara, CA! And remember the puppies that found us in East Glacier? Yep, “Cutesie” is now their 50lb dog, Huckleberry!

Silly Chili just finished an intense year long program to complete his second bachelor’s degree. A few exams and he’ll be an RN! Congrats, Silly Chili!

Rockin’ continues her job as an educator while fitting in an amazing amount of adventures. A few highlights of the past year for her have been the TGO Challenge in Scotland, a trip to the Grand Canyon, a few weeks in the Sierra, and the Oregon PCT.

Great times with great people.

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