You haven’t heard from me for a few months, and if you tried to visit my site probably found it down. I had a malware infestation, a near heart attack because I thought I lost ALL my content, and then a slow recovery as I pieced salvageable parts back together. I don’t want to talk about it.

Most of the site is now back. I am still working on a few loose ends, and also trying to do some reorganization. I’ll be back-filling in a few of my weekend adventures as I get time. Some highlights from my site downtime were bagging couple peaks in southern Oregon’s Sky Lakes Wilderness, hiking the Timberline Trail around Mt Hood with the ALDHA-West board (I’m now the Secretary), a Thanksgiving spent in Lone Pine, CA with LoveNote and Burly Whites, and my first backcountry ski trip at Crater Lake and Mt Bailey.

As for 2016 adventures, I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be hiking the Hayduke!! This has been at the top of my list for years, and I’m so excited to finally be making it a reality. I LOVE the Colorado Plateau, but have previously only experienced it in bite sized pieces. I’m excited to not only live a thru-hiking lifestyle for a few months, but do it in this unique environment.

And… I’ll be hiking with Bubbles! We have lots of “bonus” material thrown in our itinerary. It’s sure to be a blast! We will be starting mid-March. Much more on this to come.

It’s going to be a fun year!
Looking forward to reading about your hiking this year!
Thanks, Greg! Do you have your CDT blog set up yet? Send me a link when it’s ready!
Welcome back! I figured you were busy working. Silly. You were busy PLAYING. 🙂
Your back, Ya! Cool plans in a hot place. Your pal Erin will be a great resource. Have Fun! -Can’t wait to see the photos of the Bonus sections – bonus material is good.