Day 27 – 4/9/16
24.3 map / 24.9 GPS miles
400.0 / 427.9 miles total
Aside from the horrendous mud and some boulder chokes in the remaining few miles of Navajo Canyon, today was much easier walking. And we only got rained on for about 5 minutes!
The excitement of the day was chasing a small herd of cattle like 8+ miles up Last Chance Creek. Every time we got near them, they would take off, running upstream, which is of course the direction we were headed, so we’d just come up on them, pooping in the water, a mile later.
The last few miles of our day on Last Chance creek were very beautiful, with Cottonwoods leafing out, lupine in bloom and springs dripping from canyon walls. The water still tastes like cow.
You’ve had practice at making cow pies look beautiful. 😀
Lupine = <3! Yay, you are seeing signs of spring.
Write your members of congress to express your concern for water quality impacts on public lands in Utah! Meanwhile eat more chicken!
Last Chance Creek – love those photos. Some very lovely colors for sure.