Day 23 – 9/16/19
21 miles / 464.1 total
I’ve been timing my alarm so that I’m hiking as soon as it’s light out, but the sky was so dark with clouds this morning I had to use my headlamp the first half hour. And then it started raining. Ugh.

I walked all 21 miles to the town of Plush without stopping other than once to poop. This many miles by 1pm may be a record for me. It wasn’t super cold, but enough with the rain and driving wind that my hands were numb and pretty useless. Thankfully navigation was easy so I didn’t have to dig out my phone or maps very much.

On the plus side, I got to wear my cuben groundsheet-poncho. It’s super sexy.

When I arrived at the Plush store, I was rather disappointed I find it was like 60deg inside, with a strong draft from the cooking ventilation fan, but at least it was out of the rain. I drank several cups of hot cocoa and then just kept refilling with hot water to hold. It took a long time to warm up, and my feet never did.
I got the weather forecast for the next few days from Dan via the inReach (there is no cell service or WiFi in Plush) and learned there would be more rain 2 and 3 days from now. I had been planning to skip the next possible town stop of Lakeview and go right for Paisley to save time, but now decided getting a hotel in Lakeview 2 nights from now sounded like a much better plan. I felt should really get some more miles today, and though still gloomy out, the rain had stopped.
Just as I packed up to go, it started pouring. I inquired with the woman in the store about the “Plush Bunk House” sign across the street. It just so happened the folks who were staying there had to unexpectedly leave early. I must’ve looked pretty pathetic and cold, because she offered to let me stay in their place. Holy mother of all trail magic. (I tipped VERY well).
The “bunk house” is a super nice one room cottage with full kitchen and bathroom…and heat!
I showered and finally felt warm. I also finally felt hungry.
My plan is to get up early tomorrow and get as many miles as possible in before the rain comes back Wednesday (can I do a 40?!), then make a run for it to Lakeview. This whole being on a tight timeline really sucks. I can’t just wait out the bad weather if I want to actually finish.
What a day, again. Hope you do a forty. Wow